Bonnie Jacobson
2 min readAug 20, 2018


While I think the thought that went into the development of these suggestions is wonderful, and I found the entire discussion thought provoking, I cannot help but see something here that is not being addressed and recognized. All systems come to an end. Civilizations fail. People die…and at the end of a particular civilization, they tend to die en masse.

We’ve all read or heard about the “last days of Rome”. We’ve seen civilizations die in such spectacular ways that we marvel, even today, about the complete failure of the Mayans, the failure of the Egyptians…. (the mythical sinking of Atlantis, even).

We are not infallible here in our fabulous America. We are not immortal either. We have a mad man at the helm of our American ship, and a congress full of greedy, self-serving sycophants who are worried about losing their congressional seats, and their approval ratings (both with their constituents and their “Fuhrer”.

For the large majority of us out here in the American “no-man’s land” … those of us who cannot find jobs, who are growing old in poverty, who are spending our final years in prisons (either for good reason, or “in error”) .. the the great majority of us suffering in these Metropoles you speak of, there is little or no hope of moving forward to a better life, and what you are suggesting is not going to radically improve the living situation of most of us.

I am thankful that I am one of these aging “Boomers” who seem to be the current focus of “finger-pointing” by frustrated, angry young people and frightened, or desparate, philosophers and college professors…because my time is running out ahead of the rest. I probably will not live to see the burning of the cities and the death of our world.

But the rest of you best start thinking about how you are going to save our dying seas, and our dying lands, and how you are going to deal with the riots, and the military oppression that comes with the end of a nation-state and an Age. While there have been many interesting suggestions in this piece, I don’t think the suggestions will “save” our country…much less our civilization.

All things come to an end. Thankfully, because humanity is capable of incredible hubris and stupidity. Donald Trump is a perfect example.



Bonnie Jacobson

My background includes a M.A. in Adult Education, a B.S. in Human Resource Management (Business Admin.) and an Associate in Public Relations Journalism.